Saturday, November 28, 2009

Organizing Baskets Kiddo-style

Big baskets are great to have in a kid's room.  They can quickly conceal toys when guests are on their way.  But it's not always functional.  Don't ya hate it when Mr. Potato Head's parts fall down to the bottom, and you dig forever to find his nose?  Or how about the little ponies and Matchbox cars that seem to get lost among the bigger toys in the basket?

The solution?  Get smaller baskets, a shelf and Label them.

Assign Labels for your toys (mine were balls, cars, legos, Mr. Potato head) and head to the computer.  Print off clipart pictures of your Labels so your toddler will know what goes in each basket.  I printed in grayscale so my son could color the pictures.  He loved that he was helping!

Microsoft has a great website for free clipart, here:

Next, cut to size and slip them in the pocket protectors.

That's it!  Now fill the baskets with the toys, and stick them on a shelf.  Let your little one help-my son thought this part was a game, no joke!  He loves to point to the pictures and show me where Mr. Potato head belongs.

A nice, organized kids room that kids can help keep organized:

Love it!

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